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TV Pilot Turned Web Series
In 2009 I wrote a one hour TV pilot called Just Us Guys about a gay dad who is best friends with his straight teenage son. The feel for the script was Gilmore Girls with guys. I changed it into a Web series, which turned out to be one of the greatest experiences of my life. The series was screened at the 2013 Comic-Con International Film Festival, 2013 Salt Lake City Comic Con Film Festival, and (the late) 2014 Bent Con.
There's one character in particular who viewers love to death in Just Us Guys. Her name is Elsie and this lead to the spinoff Web series rightfully titled, Elsie. She's a geek/nerd who has a feisty attitude and she's slight OCD.
​Elsie was shown at the 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con Film Festival.